Step through the unknown to find the unseen.


From the heart…

“I don’t feel art is about arriving at a destination. Exploration, discovery, and intrigue are what draw me into each piece and hopefully the viewers as well. I am enjoying the mystery and revelation that unfolds as I create. Each painting ends in a unique place even when it begins with a plan! I learn a lot as I create: all things are redeemable, it’s never the end of the story,
and prayer changes things (or us)!”


Judi started young with her creative spirit but focused her working career on numbers and data systems with West Michigan corporations. Product design, teaching business to artisans in Haiti, and weaving on her floor loom brought her closer once again to her creative roots.

Travel photos were a big inspiration for earlier works, creating a foundation to spring from as she continued the adventure. She currently uses oils with cold wax medium or encaustic. As the layers progress, this allows for carving, scraping, embedding, or writing in her pieces. Gold, silver, or raw pigment are elements often used to add more to the vibrant messages you will encounter in each painting.

You can find Judi’s art at:

Pop-up events in the West Michigan area with Lakeshore Visual Arts Collective – online gallery with select specially framed originals and shown at their Viewing Studio in Grand Rapids, MI
Wordpress blog – devotional writings with art