Trust that your risks will be rewarded.

My Art Process

The art journey started with watercolor and then continued with the exploration of working with oils. When introduced to encaustics (oil and hot wax), I found the aspects of unique layering, writing, etching, carving, and scraping were part of what I needed to share the deeper stories in my heart. Oil and cold wax medium brought a great way to take that to a new level.

My starting point is usually with a color scheme or word theme. Using darks, light, layers, etching; I begin seeking to find what each piece needs to become. A landscape, a galaxy, a parable, or song. The creation starts to share its own story in the layers that follow.

I could have settled for what was there but decided to push past to find what more could come!

In the process for Breaking Through

In the process for Breaking Through

Breaking Through - final painting

Breaking Through - final painting